måndag 23 november 2009

meditative sound at new venue!

meditative is back with a new venue in their hometown uppsala.
support your local sound,reach early and catch the whole vibe.

torsdag 12 november 2009

deng deng hifi inna 70's-80's style!

dan-I-locks and selector sillen's b-day dance at the bassment in malmö went well.
with some adjustments on the sound it was nice to listen to deng deng hifi down south.
nice tunes and vibes all night...on the mic we got the chance to see dan-I-locks,josef & jakob levi.

a shorter tape from the session is provided by karl folke.


torsdag 5 november 2009

across the water...

danish dance

this weekend rootsteppas from malmö is taking their sound
over to copenhagen for a session with UNITY HIFI.
all those who live in malmö and like these kinda thing should try and reach
this session since denmark need all the support they can get in this roots and culture dances.
hope the session will go down well and somebody will record.

söndag 18 oktober 2009



two different sounds in one arena.
resident sound TESFA welcomed MEDITATIVE
for another of those popular dubclash events that they
have been hosting a few years now.

tesfa as always having jakob levi spreading the message thru the mic and
karl benjamin selecting some serious roots music.

meditaive having both andreas and jesper selecting and LION and
LANCY RANKIN on the mic.
(lion might be the happiest man around here,spreading nuff vibes)

soundtape provided by karl folke
for those in sweden who wants the last ours..support your local sound and reach next session.


tisdag 13 oktober 2009

fast forward sound

fast forward sound has finished their sound and had a release for their rythm "love my riddim".
they are not strictly a roots and culture sound as the other sounds i have been following but they
have built their own boxes and i feel its important to big these guys up!
they played a wide range of reggaemusic and the crowd seemed very satisfied with what they experienced(ive not seen most of them at the other dances)...im gladly looking forward for the next session.
for moore info on fast forward and their releases check their site
